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The climbing garden of the mountaineering village of the Alps
Climbing is the movement on the rock. Some routes are climbed, on which the climber is secured against falling by his climbing partner with a mountain rope.

There are several rocky hills for climbing in the area.

Nom de la salle 1

La ville sympathique est située sur une colline qui s'élève doucement d'est en ouest, directement sur le bord ouest du fossé à forte pente entre Liesing et Klebas, quelques mètres plus à l'ouest. Dans ce fossé, la maison natale du célèbre érudit Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthieu de Lexer

2 personnes


Gschnitztal 3.097 m

The Rätikon offers even more alpine climbing routes and climbing gardens

The climbing garden of the mountaineering village of the Alps
Climbing is the movement on the rock. Some routes are climbed, on which the climber is secured against falling by his climbing partner with a mountain rope.

There are several rocky hills for climbing in the area.

St. Antönien in the Prättigau

Lungiarü 2,875 m

Piza de Antersasc 2,471 m

Target group: Beginners to professionals

Number of boulders: 90

Crep dal Ora 2,361 m

3 sectors

D'autres activités

Endroit calme et ensoleillé en montagne

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