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Your attitude, more than your aptitude, determines your altitude.



Global pandemic, recession, disrupted markets, lack of direction, or whatever your urgency for needing a new direction in business, life, or career, we are here to help you chart a new course.


Elevate to become an agile innovative leader reshaping your business and/or career to align with God’s calling and transform your world.



1. Beratung

Wie ist die Ausgangssituation und was möchten Sie verändern?  Was brauchen Sie, um an Ihr Ziel zu kommen? 

2. Training

Gruppenspezifische Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen, die vorab definierte Inhalte interaktiv und mit Praxis-Bezug vermitteln – online oder vor Ort 

3. Coaching

Individuelle Arbeit in vertrauensvollem Rahmen 

4. Moderation

Offene Formate für die Arbeit mit großen und kleinen Gruppen. Gut, um beispielsweise eine neue Arbeitgeber-Marke zu entwickeln

Leistungen für Unternehmen

Ich biete Weiterbildung und Beratung in den Bereichen Headhunting, Personalauswahl und Recruiting an. Darüber hinaus unterstütze ich Unternehmen bei der kontinuierlichen Qualifizierung ihres Personals in zukunftsträchtigen Kompetenzfeldern

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Leistungen für Privatkunden

Business Coaching für Menschen, die persönlich und beruflich weiterkommen möchten.

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About me

My roots are in the headhunting business. The feeling for the right HR has always been one of my strengths. Today I know that only targeted development of skills and a learning corporate culture can really bring talent to fruition. I'll take care of that.

Image by Samson
Reach the top now !

Growth.  Adversity.  Purpose

Reinventing the Experience

Global pandemic, recession, disrupted markets, lack of direction, or whatever your urgency for needing a new direction in business, life, or career, we are here to help you chart a new course.


Elevate to become an agile innovative leader reshaping your business and/or career to align with God’s calling and transform your world.

They speak about us

"Ici citer quelque phrases importantes de l article, please mettre a peu prêt autant de caractère pour tous les articles en dessous le liens de l article en ligne pour inciter le visiteur a lire l´article en entier, " 

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"Ici citer quelque phrases importantes de l article, please mettre a peu prêt autant de caractère pour tous les articles en dessous le liens de l article en ligne pour inciter le visiteur a lire l´article en entier, " 

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Le Monde

"Ici citer quelque phrases importantes de l article, please mettre a peu prêt autant de caractère pour tous les articles en dessous le liens de l article en ligne pour inciter le visiteur a lire l´article en entier, " 

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This is your inforgraphics description. User clear and concise language to describe the numbers and trends you wish to highlight.



This is your inforgraphics description. User clear and concise language to describe the numbers and trends you wish to highlight.



This is your inforgraphics description. User clear and concise language to describe the numbers and trends you wish to highlight.



This is your inforgraphics description. User clear and concise language to describe the numbers and trends you wish to highlight.



This is your inforgraphics description. User clear and concise language to describe the numbers and trends you wish to highlight.



This is your inforgraphics description. User clear and concise language to describe the numbers and trends you wish to highlight.

Each partner is unique, we adapt our technique according to each one to accelerate the strategic learning of your talents


Develop new management methods, to spread agility, trust and co-responsibility at all levels.


Trust and the key to success, we build your goals together, HELIOCOACH supports your reflection, from the upstream phase of defining the new reference system

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