Hanging Bridges Tour
Hanging Bridges Tour is your unique opportunity to enjoy an elevated perspective of the biodiversity of Panama’s tropical cloud forest. It is a circuit of 6 suspension bridges covering a 4.5 km route through the treetops.
This is a new adventure in which you will enjoy breathtaking views of rivers, waterfalls, and the towering Volcan Baru. A unique experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories.
Nom de la salle 1
La ville sympathique est située sur une colline qui s'élève doucement d'est en ouest, directement sur le bord ouest du fossé à forte pente entre Liesing et Klebas, quelques mètres plus à l'ouest. Dans ce fossé, la maison natale du célèbre érudit Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthieu de Lexer

2 personnes

1700 Meter
Hanging Bridges Tour
Hanging Bridges Tour is your unique opportunity to enjoy an elevated perspective of the biodiversity of Panama’s tropical cloud forest. It is a circuit of 6 suspension bridges covering a 4.5 km route through the treetops.
This is a new adventure in which you will enjoy breathtaking views of rivers, waterfalls, and the towering Volcan Baru. A unique experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories.
Abseits der Massen
Panoramic view
Birds, sloth, monkey

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