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From your accommodation you have quick access to the trails offered by the surrounding volcano. Whether for experienced hikers or walks with small children. You will find your happiness and you can empower yourself. The 3,000 km of marked hiking trails offer the right thing for every requirement: from recreational hikes to expeditions to the high peaks. Here we go!

Name room 1

Der freundliche Ort liegt auf einer Ost nach West sanft anstegenden Kuppe direck am westliche Rand in den steil abfallenden Graben zwischen Liesing und dem wenige Meter weiter westlich liegenden Ort Klebas übergeht. In diesem Grabenstand das Geburtshaus des berümtem Gelehrte Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthias von Lexer

2 peoples

Übe uns

3000 km on foot

The activity

From your accommodation you have quick access to the trails offered by the surrounding volcano. Whether for experienced hikers or walks with small children. You will find your happiness and you can empower yourself. The 3,000 km of marked hiking trails offer the right thing for every requirement: from recreational hikes to expeditions to the high peaks. Here we go!

Walk around the lake

Difficulty level: all levels



From 30 minutes to 6 hours

From €0 to €100

Birds, sloth, monkey



Tour des oiseaux

Ponts suspendus

Zip line

Birds tour

Hanging Bridges Tour

Hängebrücken Tour




Andere Aktivitäten

Ruhige und sonnige Lage

Die perfekt Unterkunft für Familien und Freunde

Ihre Auszeit im Paradies

Jetzt Aktivurlaub im tropischen Hochland buchen! 

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